
An Introduction to Kafka’s Internals

Reading Time: 6 minutes In this blog, we will get the opportunity to come across what Kafka is, and explain how Kafka works from the inside out.  How does it replicate data between nodes, what happens if replication fails, and how do consumers scale-out automatically? Insights of Apache Kafka Kafka is a statistics streaming system that permits builders to react to new activities as they arise in real-time. Kafka Continue Reading

man in front of his computer

Resilience4J: Intro to Rate Limiter

Reading Time: 3 minutes Resilience4J is a popular Java library that provides developers with a set of tools for building resilient and fault-tolerant applications. One of the key components of Resilience4J is the Rate Limiter, which can be used to throttle the rate of incoming requests to a service or API. In this blog, we will explore the Resilience4J Rate Limiter and its benefits. What is the Resilience4J Rate Continue Reading

woman using a computer

Reactive Programming in Java

Reading Time: 4 minutes Reactive programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on asynchronous and event-driven programming. Reactive programming is designed to handle streams of data and events, and it has become popular in recent years due to the rise of modern web applications and the need for real-time data processing. Java, being a popular language for enterprise applications, has several libraries and frameworks that support reactive programming. In Continue Reading

person encoding in laptop

Resilience4J: Introduction to Bulkhead

Reading Time: 4 minutes Resilience4J is an open-source library that provides different resilience patterns for building resilient applications. Bulkhead is one of the patterns provided by Resilience4J to prevent the cascading failure of an application by limiting the resources used by a failed component. In this blog, we will discuss in detail what it is and how Resilience4J implements it. What is a Bulkhead? It is a physical barrier Continue Reading

man people woman laptop

Getting started with Spring Boot 3.0

Reading Time: 6 minutes Introduction Spring Boot is a popular framework for building web applications and microservices in Java. The latest version, Spring Boot 3, released in September 2021. And it brings a number of new features and improvements to the framework. One of the main new features in Spring Boot 3 is support for Java 16. This means that developers can now take advantage of the latest features. Continue Reading

woman programming on a notebook

Reactive Programming: What is it And Why We Need It

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Reactive Programming is a paradigm that helps developers write event-driven applications by using observable streams of data. It’s often used in modern applications, especially on mobile devices and the web. In this article, we’ll explain what is and why we need it. We’ll also look at some of its benefits. And limitations so you can decide if it’s right for your project or not! Continue Reading

woman coding on computer

Introduction to HTTP Client in Java 11

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you want to send a HTTP request and process the response from a java program you may need an API called HttpClient. What is HTTP? The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to transmit data on the World Wide Web. It allows the client to send a request to a server and get the response back from the server. HTTP is used to request Continue Reading

turned on laptop computer

Health endpoint for the Micronaut application

Reading Time: 3 minutes 1. About Micronaut is an open-source JVM-based software framework for building lightweight, modular applications and microservices. It helps to create microservices with small memory footprints and quick startup time. We will create a Micronaut application using Java. You will learn how to use the Micronaut Management feature to enable your application’s “health” endpoint. 2. Pre-requisite 3. Development To create a Micronaut project just navigate to and create Continue Reading


Indexing in MarkLogic: a quick data finder.

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction MarkLogic is a document-oriented database that provides a highly flexible cloud-based solution for storing and managing documents. It has been used in applications ranging from enterprise search to e-commerce and financial services. This article will explain how to index in MarkLogic Server. Using the Universal Index, as well as other types of indexes available within the product. We’ll also cover reindexing options when your Continue Reading

Basic Concepts of EventStoreDB

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction In this article, we will discuss EventStoreDB. EventStoreDB is a database that allows the user to read and store events into fine-grained streams, as well as read all or a subset of events. It is an approach to building applications focused on storing state changes as they occur. First, we’ll look at the core topics like events, event sourcing, and event streams. So let’s Continue Reading

Managing database schema with Liquibase

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Liquibase? First, Liquibase is an open-source database schema change management tool that makes it simple for you to handle database change revisions. How Does Liquibase Work? Regardless of your database platform, changes are defined in a platform-neutral language. In essence, you maintain a running list of modifications. And, Liquibase uses its execution engine to make those modifications for you. It requires the appropriate Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence & MarkLogic: An Wonderful Architecture

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Automation is a crucial part of the Artificial Intelligence cycle. It allows organizations to perform tasks that require human input and improves tradecraft. This also increases efficiency in order to keep pace with changing technologies and requirements. And MarkLogic is providing some extra benefits in implementing AI processes. MarkLogic has its own optimized algorithms and implementations of some AI methodologies. Achieved due to its Continue Reading

Data centre

Liquibase with Spring Boot

Reading Time: 3 minutes The purpose of this blog is to show you the process of using Liquibase as a piece of your Spring Boot workflow. Springboot makes it easy to create standalone, production-maven Spring-based applications. Introduction Liquibase is an open-source database that has an independent library for tracking, managing, and applying database schema changes. Liquibase was started in 2006 and it is used to allow easier tracking of database changes, especially in an agile software Continue Reading