Author: Nitin Arora

Reconciliation in React

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reconciliation in react is a process in which it provides a declarative API that keeps you away from the worry of what is changing on every update. When a component’s state changes, React has to verify whether they want to update the DOM or not? In this process, it creates a Virtual DOM and comparing it with the current DOM. In this context, the Virtual DOM will contain the Continue Reading

React Events

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, we will be going to get an overview of React Events, these events occur on various actions like user action or system-generated events. For eg: window resize, web page loading, keypress, mouse hover, mouse click, and many other interactive actions are known as events. React consists of its own events handling systems which are very similar in the way we use to Continue Reading

Is GraphQL better than REST?

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we will be going to explain a brief difference between GraphQL and REST APIs, Why GraphQL comes into the picture, and give some benefits over REST APIs. So without any further delay let us begin with an understanding of brief about GraphQL and REST APIs. GraphQL is a new API standard that provides a more efficient, powerful, and flexible alternative to REST. Continue Reading

Channels in redux-saga

Reading Time: 3 minutes What are the channels? Are they useful to us in day to day programming? We’ll be going through this blog that channels are played really a major role in redux-saga. Channels: Channels are of 3 types which are used to perform 3 different things, here I will brief you about those channels here but will explain in detail a bit later. Action Channels: Action channel Continue Reading

Redux Saga Effects

Reading Time: 6 minutes Effects are the kind of utility that’s provided by the redux-saga package. when u invokes effects it returns object contains instructions which redux-saga interprets. The effects don’t have any special property outside the redux-saga application because it’s redux-saga that generates side effects like API call database or something else, The effect itself doesn’t actually do anything. If you don’t know how to create a Saga, Continue Reading

Create your saga with redux-saga

Reading Time: 3 minutes After reading this blog, you will be able to understand the brief about what is redux-saga. Also you able to install, configure, and create the basic saga in your application. So, before we get any deeper, it’s important to note, that the actual term “saga”. A saga in general programming series of reversible transactions, the saga is designed to replace single huge, locking transactions. eg: Continue Reading

Prevent user from losing unsaved data

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are many instances where a user fills some details in the form, edit their details, or secure the form in such a way that if someone navigates away or closes the browser tab, they should be prompted to confirm that they really want to leave the form with unsaved data. Whenever these kind instances occur you will see an alert appear on the top of Continue Reading

ngRx with Redux in Angular

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we will see the basic pattern of Redux and some benefits and some high-level concepts of redux and then we will discuss the brief about ngRx and its basic implementation. Redux: Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of Continue Reading

Ionic Page LifeCycle Events

Reading Time: 3 minutes As we know Ionic pages are nothing but internally it is converted into an Angular component only as we all know Ionic frame is built on the top of Angular. And just like Angular Framework has its lifecycle hooks which we follow during the development of Web Application, Similarly, we have some interesting lifecycle events for ionic framework too which can capture and perform some Continue Reading

Angular Router: Parameter with the snapshot

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Angular Router is a powerful router library that allows developers to implement advanced functionality in their Angular applications. Earlier what we were doing if we want to send the value of the parameter from one component to the other we were makes use of the @Input decorator to get hold of that value that was being passed in from one component to the other. But, Continue Reading

What’s New in Angular 8

Reading Time: 3 minutes I am sure you all are excited about the Angular 8 release, So your wait is over now. In this blog, we will discuss newly introduce features and also discuss the breaking features which is partially introducing a feature which is yet to be developed completely and will introduce in Angular 9. Angular 8 is finally here and includes a preview of Ivy, service worker Continue Reading

RxJS Operators in Angular

Reading Time: 3 minutes Many of us make use of RxJS for its Operators and the Observable is treated as a foundation for that.  further, in this blog, we are going get the understanding of Operators provided by RxJS but before digging into it lets under what is Operators. What are the Operators? Operators are basically pure functions, that transform information into the observables stream. it always creates new Continue Reading

Drag N Drop using Angular 7

Reading Time: 4 minutes Drag and Drop is one of the new features which is provided by Angular 7. Angular 7 makes it very easy to implement this feature. So here, in this blog, we are going to learn how to drag and drop the items from a list of numbers using a basic example. Before getting started with the implementation there are some basic pre-requisites which is necessary Continue Reading