Micronaut server generation using OpenApi specification

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this article, we will create an OpenAPI specification file and use it to generate a Java Micronaut server API using the OpenAPI generator. Installing OpenAPI generator We can use the OpenAPI generator using multiple supported workflow integrations like Gradle, Maven, and SBT. Here, we are using the jar option, Download the binary, then place it in the project folder you want to use. To Continue Reading

How to integrate Postman with CircleCI?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hi Readers, In this blog, we will explore Postman with CircleCI. As we know that Postman is an API testing tool and CircleCI is a CI/CD tool so it is the best combination to integrate Postman with CircleCI. Prerequisites Basically, there are some requirements to perform this process- Install Postman into your system:- For Linux- Should have a CircleCI account:- For this, Signup into CircleCI– Continue Reading

How to test API load with k6 using GitHub Actions

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi friends, As we are all familiar with CI/CD and it has taken a very crucial place in the software development industry. Along with our development code therefore it is very important to integrate our automated tests with CI/CD as well. But you may think that we already have Jenkins and other CICD tools available in the market so why do we use GITHUB action Continue Reading

HTTP Requests Using Axios Library

How to make HTTP Requests Using Axios Library

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Axios is a Javascript library used to perform HTTP requests for Nodejs and browsers. It supports the Promise API and makes it easy to send requests asynchronously. In this article, we will learn, how to make GET/POST/PUT/DELETE HTTP requests using Axios. Features Make HTTP requests from node.js Supports the Promise API Intercept request and response Transform request and response data Cancel requests Automatic transforms Continue Reading

All about APIs

Reading Time: 4 minutes APIs (Application Programming Interface(s)) allow us to transfer(or fetch) the data from one application to another application of our choice. Why do we need APIs? We need APIs to transfer the data among different applications. Moreover APIs allow us to have a standardized system (set of protocols) through which multiple applications can communicate with the desired single application in the “develop once use multiple times” Continue Reading

ExpressJS | Understanding of Expressjs Routing

Reading Time: 2 minutes This article will learn about Expressjs, Installation & Routing in Express.js. Let’s start with Expressjs Introduction. What is ExpressJS? ExpressJS is a fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js. Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. Environment & Installation: Before installing expressjs, install nodejs. Nodesjs version should be 0.10 or Continue Reading

A Quick Guide to GraphQL

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction You must have heard about GraphQL but maybe not be aware of what it is and why is it used. In this blog, we will be understanding what is graphQL and its need. So let’s get started. What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language that is used to load data from server to client that is you are fetching data from the API Continue Reading

Polkadot.js API for blockchain development

Reading Time: 3 minutes The API provides application developers the ability to query a node and interact with the Polkadot or Substrate chains using Javascript. Hello Readers, today we will see what is a polkadot.js API. These sections should provide you with all the information needed to install the @polkadot/api package, understand the structure of the interfaces and allow you to start using it. For existing users this really should be Continue Reading

GraphQL: Understanding Datafetchers and it’s use

Reading Time: 3 minutes The world is a stage where all of us are artists and constant learning is the foundation of success. To boost up your knowledge pot with various technology, here comes another blog about a developing technology GraphQL.GraphQL is a query language introduced by Facebook. To get in basic detail you can visit previous blogs. Here we will discuss DataFetchers.Also, if you want to start the basics Continue Reading

Understanding schema in GraphQL

Reading Time: 3 minutes GraphQL schema is the centre of any GraphQL server. It allow clients to know about which operations can be performed by the server.

Beginner’s Guide to GraphQL with Spring Boot

Reading Time: 4 minutes The world is a stage where all of us are artists. Constant learning is the foundation of success. So here we are going to have a tutorial on GraphQL in which we will see how to create a GraphQL server in Java. Objective We are going to query the details for a specific song from an online platform. Prerequisite Basic knowledge of:– Spring Boot– Java– Continue Reading

Getting started with GraphQL

Reading Time: 2 minutes The world is a stage where all of us are artists. Constant learning is the foundation of success. So, here we are going to learn about a query language introduced by Facebook back in 2015, which is GraphQL. In this blog, we will cover the basics of GraphQL. Overview GraphQL is a query language(that’s what QL stands for) for your API and a server-side runtime Continue Reading

Is GraphQL better than REST?

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we will be going to explain a brief difference between GraphQL and REST APIs, Why GraphQL comes into the picture, and give some benefits over REST APIs. So without any further delay let us begin with an understanding of brief about GraphQL and REST APIs. GraphQL is a new API standard that provides a more efficient, powerful, and flexible alternative to REST. Continue Reading