
You had me at Microservices! oh no

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Microservices” the way it stands is beginning to become a must-have word for a lot of enterprises. It is being touted as the main component if you are leading a digital transformation journey. System integrators are having a field day calling themselves microservices experts. End of the day 90% of the implementations are going to fail. Why? Because microservices by themselves are not the silver bullet. Definitely, Continue Reading

MachineX: Logistic Regression with KSAI

Reading Time: 2 minutes Logistic Regression, a predictive analysis, is mostly used with binary variables for classification and can be extended to use with multiple classes as results also. We have already studied the algorithm in deep with this blog. Today we will be using KSAI library to build our logistic regression model. Setup

MachineX: Association Rule Learning with KSAI

Reading Time: 2 minutes In many of my previous blogs, I have posted about Association Rule Learning, what it’s about and how it is performed. In this blog, we are going to use Association Rule Learning to actually see it in action, and for this purpose, we are going to use KSAI, a machine learning library purely written in Scala. So, let’s begin. Adding KSAI to your project You Continue Reading

MachineX: A tour to KSAI – Neural Networks

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog we would look into how we can use KSAI; A machine learning library purely written in Scala using most of its feature and functional aspects of programming, you can read more about the library at KSAI Wiki, alternatively you can even fork the project from here, KSAI has a rich set of algorithms that address some of the vital problems in classification, Continue Reading

Parsing XML into scala case classes using xtract

Reading Time: 5 minutes In computing, Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is one of the well-known data formats for transporting information from one system to another with reliability and convenience. It uses a tag-based format for composing data. In real-world data processing, we often come across XML data Continue Reading

Couchbase Java SDK Tutorial – CRUD Operations

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, we will learn to implement CRUD operations in Couchbase with a Java application. So, let’s begin with a quick introduction of the Couchbase Server. Introduction to Couchbase Couchbase Server is an open source, distributed, NoSQL document-oriented engagement database with many advantages over traditional RDBMS like:- Fast key-value store with managed cache for sub-millisecond data operations. Purpose-built indexers for fast queries. A powerful Continue Reading

Error Handling Using EitherT

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you aware of Either, if yes then you must know how it’s use for error handling , but don’t you think things get messy when it is placed into effectful types such as Option or Future, a large amount of boilerplate is required to handle errors.

Transport Cinnamon Matrices From Lagom To Prometheus

Reading Time: 3 minutes Monitoring is a pain when it comes to distributed applications, and even more when you have shared or non-shared variables to monitor in your application. Here in this blog, I’ll explain two tools which can ease the monitoring efforts, one for generating metrics called Cinnamon and other to visualize them, called Prometheus. Let’s have a quick brief intro about these two – Prometheus – An open-source monitoring system with Continue Reading

MachineX: KNN algorithm using KSAI

Reading Time: 3 minutes Classification is a well-known area of machine learning. the K-Nearest neighbor algorithm is a simple algorithm that keeps all available cases and classifies new cases based on the similarity with existing cases. KNN has been used in pattern recognition as a non-parametric technique. in this algorithm, a case is classified by a majority of votes of its neighbors. if K=1 then the cases are assigned Continue Reading


Back2Basics: Futures in Scala

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey folks, in this blog we will be discussing and try to gather some knowledge on how multithreading, concurrency can be achieved and asynchronous computations can be done on immutable values by the use of Futures. Why do we need Futures? The concept of Futures was introduced to allow concurrent programming and avoid wastage of resources which will be blocked in case of sequential code. Continue Reading

MachineX: An Introduction to KSAI, a machine learning library

Reading Time: 3 minutes Take a closer look at Linkedin or any media platform for a couple of minutes, you’ll find that the hot topic in the technology section nowadays is Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Why Machine learning and artificial intelligence? Well needless to say it is transforming the world like anything. People are doing good in business by predicting different aspects, doctors are doing good in medical Continue Reading

Structures In Rust

Reading Time: 3 minutes Structures are used to creating a more complex data structure. Basically, we have three types of Structures in Rust: The classic C Structs Tuple structs, which are, basically, named tuples. Unit structs, which are field-less, are useful for generics. In general, If we take an example of length and breadth in case of the area of many of 2D shapes then we calculate the area Continue Reading

Scala : Proxy Design Pattern

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Everyone! In our previous blogs, we have discussed Decorator design pattern and Adapter design pattern. Now, its time to discuss another Structural design pattern i.e. the Proxy design pattern. We will implement the same EUGDPR problem using the Proxy design pattern, which we implemented using the Adapter design pattern in our previous blog. Problem Statement: Earlier, in many applications, all the user-specific details like Continue Reading