Introduction to Liquibase

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Reading Time: 2 minutes


Liquibase allows you to specify desired database changes using SQL and several other database-independent formats such as XML, YAML, and JSON. Developers can abstract database code to make the propagation of changes to different database types much more accessible.

Before you start, If you don’t have a Liquibase account, create your Liquibase Hub account first.

Download and extract Liquibase

Download Liquibase.

Run the installer or extract the downloaded files.

Open a terminal to view your new directory:

Run the installer or extract the downloaded Liquibase files.

Configure Liquibase

Create a text file to specify the driver classpath, URL, and user credentials for the database to retrieve.

We can take a look at the properties file of the Postgres Database example below:


url:  jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase

username:  postgres  

password:  password 

classpath:  postgresql-42.2.8.jar

liquibaseProLicenseKey:  licensekey

liquibase.hub.ApiKey:  APIkey

Take a snapshot of your existing database

Create a usable changelog to capture the current state of the database.

liquibase --changeLogFile=mydatabase_changelog.xml generateChangeLog

Let us take a look at an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  






    <changeSet  author="lb-generated"  id="1185214997195-1"> 
        <createTable  name="BONUS">  

            <column  name="NAME"  type="VARCHAR2(15)"/>  

            <column  name="JOB"  type="VARCHAR2(255)"/> 
            <column  name="SAL"  type="NUMBER(255)"/>



    <changeSet  author="lb-generated"  id="1185214997195-2">  

        <createTable  name="DEPT">  

            <column  name="DEPTNO"  type="INTEGER"/>  

            <column  name="DNAME"  type="VARCHAR2(15)"/>  

            <column  name="LOC"  type="VARCHAR2(255)"/> 

    <changeSet  author="lb-generated"  id="1185214997195-3">

         <createView fullDefinition="false" viewName="myView2">SELECT 



   FROM "DEPT";</createView>


    <changeSet  author="lb-generated"  id="1185214997195-4">
        <pro:createFunction functionName="myFunction"

 path="objects/function/myFunction.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true"/>


Create your first database schema change

You can start modifying the database by creating the first set of changes in the changelog dbchangelog.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  



    <changeSet author="BobR" id="myIDNumber123">

        <createTable tableName="actor">

            <column autoIncrement="true" name="id" type="INTEGER">

                <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" 



            <column name="firstname" type="VARCHAR(255)"/>

            <column name="lastname" type="VARCHAR(255)"/>

            <column name="twitter" type="VARCHAR(15)"/>




Register your changelog

Register the changelog with the following command so that you can view the details in Liquibase Hub.

liquibase-4.5.0$ liquibase registerChangeLog

Deploy your database change

Now you can deploy your database changes by running the update command as follows:

liquibase-4.5.0$ liquibase update

If all goes well, you will see the following output:

Liquibase: Update has been successful.

You can now automatically undo the last database change by running the rollback command as follows:

liquibase-4.5.0$ liquibase rollbackCount 1

If all goes well, you will see the following output:

Rolling Back Changeset:dbchangelog.xml::myIDNumber123::BobR

Liquibase: Rollback has been successful.

View your project

Register the changelog with the following command so that you can view the details in Liquibase Hub.

liquibase-4.5.0$ liquibase registerChangeLog

Set up your dashboard

Create a free account on Liquibase Hub to see database version information about changes occurring in each environment in one place.

When you create an account, you will receive an API key that you can use to connect your changelog to your dashboard. Once connected, you can see in real-time which changes succeeded and which failed in which environments.


In conclusion, in this blog, we have learned about Liquibase installation and setup. I will be covering more topics on Liquibase in my future blogs, stay connected. Happy learning 🙂

For more, you can refer to the Liquibase documentation:

For a more technical blog, you can refer to the Knoldus blog:

Written by 

Hello! Currently, I am Software Consultant at Knoldus Inc. I have completed my B.Tech from Abdul Kalam Technical University. Right now I am focusing on JAVA Frameworks. Apart from that my hobbies are playing guitar and listening to music.

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