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Knoldus Accelerators: One Stop for Learning and Faster Development

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I am glad and happy to announce our new version and a new portal for Accelerators is up and live.

Knoldus Accelerators –

We have divided our accelerator into 3 parts –

Learning Accelerators These are your one-step solution providing curated templates in more than 22 technologies and languages. It’s a repository of templates to accelerate all your development requirements. Kickstart your development with these ready-to-deploy templates. Link:

Boot Starter Portal A Boot Starter Portal is a portal or platform that provides developers with pre-configured templates and tools for creating new applications in Java, Scala, and Kotlin. With a Boot Starter Portal, developers can quickly get started building new applications by selecting a template and configuring it to meet their specific needs.

Boot Starter Portal Highlights

– can choose from the base templates on Java, Scala, and Kotlin

– build tools like Sbt, Maven, or Gradle

– the compatible and latest version of dependencies and plugins

– explore the project structure before downloading the project – download the structure with a single button click.

Knoldus Libraries

Re-usable components bonded as a lib. Reusable components are pre-built software components that can be used in multiple applications. They are designed to be easily integrated into new projects and to provide common functionality that can be used across different applications.

With saying that we also launch our first library called Knoldus AWS Accelerator, which is a Scala library that makes it easy for developers to connect and interact with some popular AWS services without worrying about the connection logic and provides the boilerplate for interaction with various aws components.

Here is a detailed video on how to use the accelerator portal –

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