lang="en-US"> Creating a Signature Customer Experience: Are You GLUE-ed? - Knoldus Blogs
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Creating a Signature Customer Experience: Are You GLUE-ed?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Imagine that you are in a restaurant and when your order is placed on the table, you realize that an extra item is included in the package. You enquire about it and the waiter says “It’s on the house! As per the management, I could offer one complimentary dish to any one of the customers today!”.

Let’s try and relate to another scenario: You requested your team member to prepare important data and share it by Wednesday. On Tuesday, the same week, your team member informs you “The data is ready along with the analysis

Need another one? Let’s try this: You take your car to the workshop to get the oil and filters changed. Suddenly you observe that one of the workers is changing the oil and the other is cleaning the interior of your car!

Aren’t you surprised and going through a mixed emotion of unexpected happiness?

We all are living in a world surrounded by expectations. The real moment of charm arrives when expectations are delivered with little unexpected extra. This exactly is what we refer to as GLUE – Giving Little Unexpected Extra!

Remember, it need not be colossal but just a little bit of extra delivery over the client’s expectations! A small amount of GLUE has the ability to make a huge difference to our lives, our businesses, and our work. It is a little bit extra that goes beyond the transaction and demonstrates that we truly care for our clients.

Hence the billion-dollar question – Are you GLUE-ed?

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