
Kafka Connect example: Mysql to Elastic Search

Reading Time: 3 minutes Overview: Hello everyone, in this blog, we will see an example of Kafka connect in which we will take a MySQL table, stream it to a Kafka topic, and from there load it to Elasticsearch and index its content. Installation: Now first of all we will install MySQL and Elastic search to our local system. For installing simply run: The next step is to make Continue Reading

Exactly-Once Semantics with Apache Kafka

Reading Time: 4 minutes Kafka’s exactly once semantics was recently introduced with the version 0.11 which enabled the message being delivered exactly once to the end consumer even if the producer retries to send the messages. This major release raised many eyebrows in the community as people believed that this is not mathematically possible in distributed systems. Jay Kreps, Co-founder on Confluent, and Co-creator of Apache Kafka explained its Continue Reading