
What is Docker ? How to use it ?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Docker is a software containerization platform, meaning you can build your application, package them along with their dependencies into a container and then these containers can be easily shipped to run on other machines. Now let’s talk about containers and containerization. Containers A container image is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package of a piece of software that includes everything needed to run it: code, runtime, Continue Reading

Understanding Containerization and its implementation by Docker

Reading Time: 4 minutes Containerization is a famous practice that is being implemented in most of the application. Industries are moving to deploy the application in form of containers rather than with the traditional on-premise method. In this blog, we’ll understand the benefits that containerization provides to Developers as well as DevOps. Let’s begin with the journey What is Containerization? This is one of the most popular concepts being Continue Reading

How to Run Multi-Container Applications with Docker Compose

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you have a need to define a service that requires more than one docker container to function, Docker Compose is the right tool for you. In this blog, you’ll see how easily you can run a multi-container docker application using Docker Compose. Docker Compose – Introduction Docker Compose is basically a docker tool to define and run multi-container Docker applications. Each of these containers Continue Reading

Container security

Securing Your Containers with Encryption of Containerized Data

Reading Time: 6 minutes Most of the business applications today are enabled by the cloud with a lot of them residing as containerized workloads. Digital transformation is being powered by concepts encompassing containers, Kubernetes, and microservices and has become indispensable parts of how applications are developed & deployed.  If we take containers particularly in consideration, they are modernizing applications like never before and helping in creating scalable & agile Continue Reading

OpenEBS – Container Attached Storage (CAS)

Reading Time: 4 minutes OpenEBS is the leading open-source project for container-attached and container-native storage on Kubernetes. OpenEBS adopts Container Attached Storage (CAS) approach, where each workload is provided with a dedicated storage controller. OpenEBS implements granular storage policies and isolation that enable users to optimize storage for each specific workload. OpenEBS runs in userspace and does not have any Linux kernel module dependencies.

Dockerizing a NodeJS app with Redis

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi folks, in this blog I would walk you through how can we seamlessly dockerize a NodeJS app along with redis, So as we know that docker is a pretty decent way of streamlining and making the process of deployment easier, efficient and pluggable, so let’s gets started but before that, the prerequisite for the blog is a basic understanding of docker

Tale of a Container’s File System

Reading Time: 4 minutes Namespace, CGroup, and Union file-system are the basic building blocks of a container. Let’s have our focus on file-system. Why yet another file-system for the container? Are Conventional Linux file-systems like ext2, ext3, ext4, XFS etc. not good enough to meet the purpose? In this blog post, I will try to answer these questions. Here we will be delving deeply into the Union File System Continue Reading