File Transfer

Stream a file to AWS S3 using Akka Streams (via Alpakka) in Play Framework

Reading Time: 5 minutes In this blog post we’ll see how a file can be streamed from a client (eg: browser) to Amazon S3 (AWS S3) using Alpakka’s AWS S3 connector. Aplakka provides various Akka Stream connectors, integration patterns and data transformations for integration use cases. The example in this blog post uses Play Framework to provide a user interface to submit a file from a web page directly to Continue Reading

Working with Hadoop Filesystem Api

Reading Time: 2 minutes Reading data from and writing data to Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) can be done in a number of ways. Now let us start understanding how this can be done by using the FileSystem API, to create and write to a file in HDFS, followed by an application to read a file from HDFS and write it back to the local file system. To start Continue Reading

File Upload or Transfer in Cordova plus ionic to server in angularjs

Reading Time: 2 minutes Many times in our mobile application we are required to upload or transfer files to server, although simply transferring files or uploading file can be easy task but in cordova one must follow the procedure provided by cordova. Multiple parameters are required to keep in mind like, what kind of form data or content you are going to post ie. multipart-form-data or application/base64 etc. But Continue Reading