
Knolx: The Hidden Mystery Behind Scala Functional Programming

Reading Time: < 1 minute Hello everyone, Knoldus organized a session on 25th January 2018. The topic was “The Hidden Mystery Behind Scala Functional Programming”. Many people attended and enjoyed the session. In this blog post, I am going to share the slides & video of the session. Slides:

How to flatten nested tuples in scala

Reading Time: 2 minutes In a project which I’ve been working on, I encountered a situation to flatten a nested tuple but couldn’t come up with a way to do so, hence out of curiosity I started googling about it and came to the following conclusion. As for an example I had a structure something similar to the one mentioned below, though not identical: val structureToOperateOn = List(List(“a1″,”a2″,”a3”), List(“b1″,”b2″,”b3”) Continue Reading