
Developers Needs SDKMAN Not Super-Man

Reading Time: 4 minutes Every developer has pain for setup development environment to his/her machine with lots of the setups. Sometimes, the pain goes beyond while we need to test same application on multiple versions of SDKs or virtual machines. If you are a Mac user, you have the best option called brew installer. But if you are Linux user, your pain is unpredictable. We are JVM stack developers Continue Reading

Cinnamon: Way For Monitoring & Metrics Generation for Akka ActorSystem

Reading Time: 2 minutes We are developing huge applications and deployed on multiple virtual machines and clusters. For monitoring applications, we need to enable logs into our application and analysis that logs with help of some tools like elastic stack. But !! what if we need to check health of application on virtual machines and clusters? For that, we are using several Metrics for system health check like Gauges, Continue Reading