

How To Create a Custom Image Using Packer In GCP

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers, We’ll see how we can create a Custom Image Using Packer In GCP in this blog. Before starting you must have to install Packer and we will use a service account to connect my google account, so make sure you have both things ready. What is Packer? Packer is a simple tool for building customized images. It is an open-source DevOps tool by Continue Reading


How to use Terratest using Packer?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey readers, today we’ll be looking into how we can use Terratest with Packer to test infrastructure code. So Terratest is a library based on the GO language which provides helper functions and patterns for testing the code. Terratest is developed by Gruntwork which is open source. It is used to create and automate infrastructure tests as a code portrayed in Terraform. Here we will Continue Reading

black laptop computer turned on showing computer codes

Shell Provisioner in Packer

Reading Time: 3 minutes Packer Packer is an open-source tool. It allows us to create machine images. It can be used for multiple platforms from a single source template. A common use case is creating images that can be used later in cloud infrastructure. We will use shell Provisioner to install or execute our own script while creating machine images. Basically, It can work with JSON as well as HCL Continue Reading

OpsInit: Packer On AWS

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Packer? Packer is an open source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly performant, creating machine images for multiple platforms in parallel. Packer does not replace configuration management like chef or Puppet. In fact, when building images, Packer is able to use tools like Continue Reading

How to run packer and terraform with a shell script.

Reading Time: 4 minutes We all are tired of repeating the same steps for creating the image and instance in AWS. But no longer! After reading this blog you will make an image using Packer and an instance through Terraform with help a shell script. You should have prior knowledge of Packer and Terraform. Below, I have briefed them for your reference. Packer is an open source tool for Continue Reading