
How to Check for Valid Scripts in GitLab?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello readers, so today we will look that how can we validate scripts in GitLab. Here we are talking about bash scripts and python scripts. Both of these types of scripts have different syntaxes. So we’ll just verify the scripts whenever a push event occurs in GitLab. Prerequisites A GitLab account Git Installed on local Bash & Python scripts in GitLab repo Code So in Continue Reading

Special Variables in Bash Scripting

Reading Time: 4 minutes Special variables are the variables that have a predefined meaning within a computer programming language. They are different in different languages but in this blog, we are going through the special variables in bash scripting. List of special shell variables These are the special shell variables that are set internally by the shell and which are available for the user: Variables Description $0 The filename Continue Reading

Getting started with Shell Scripting in 5 easy steps

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi Everyone! In this blog, we are going to learn about Shell Scripting and how to get started with it in few simple steps. This tutorial helps in gaining a basic understanding of the concept of LINUX/UNIX shell scripting. Introduction First, Before diving into how, let us first look at what Shell and Shell Scripting actually is. What is a Shell? A shell is simply Continue Reading

How To Build A Java Project Using Travis CI On Windows Platform?

Reading Time: 3 minutes What Is Travis CI? Travis CI is an open-source CI service used to build and test projects hosted at your favorite SCM. You can easily configure Travis CI by adding a file named .travis.yml to the root directory of the GitHub repository. Travis CI was the first CI as a Service tool! You can easily integrate Travis with the common cloud repositories like GitHub, Bitbucket, Continue Reading

Intro to the amazing world of Shell scripting

Reading Time: 7 minutes Shell Scripting A shell script uses the Linux commands to perform a particular task. It provides loop and conditional control structures that repeat Linux commands or make decisions on which commands you want to execute. It will be very easy to learn if you already have some experience in programming (a very basic level will also work fine). Shell Scripting provides automation, makes repetitive task, Continue Reading

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Small Peek into Bash

Reading Time: 8 minutes What is Bash ? or what’s that Black screen that normally appears in Linux as Terminal. Thats what is Bash and we are going to have a peek of it in this Blog. Bash is a Unix shell written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. It was released in 1989 and has been distributed as Continue Reading

How to run packer and terraform with a shell script.

Reading Time: 4 minutes We all are tired of repeating the same steps for creating the image and instance in AWS. But no longer! After reading this blog you will make an image using Packer and an instance through Terraform with help a shell script. You should have prior knowledge of Packer and Terraform. Below, I have briefed them for your reference. Packer is an open source tool for Continue Reading