
man in white shirt using macbook pro

Concept of UDF in Spark: User-Defined Function

Reading Time: 3 minutes As we all know, Spark contains a whole variety of inbuilt functions through which you can do any sort of transformation in your data frame and achieve your desired output, but sometimes you may find that you don’t require them. Then What? In that case, you can define your own function, known as UDFs (User Defined Functions) which makes it possible to write your own Continue Reading

people sitting on gang chairs

How to Send/Recieve data in Azure Event Hub with python?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Azure Event Hub Setup: We will create an Eventhub namespace, an event hub and a storage account on Azure Cloud. And then, we will integrate them using a connection string. Before we create other resources, we will create a common resource group: rg-eventhub. Step 1: Event Hub Namespace Now we create an event hub namespace with the following configurations. And then, verify and Create. Step Continue Reading

black blue and red graph illustration

Google Cloud Platform: Migrating Data to New Schemas on Big Query Using Dataflow

Reading Time: 6 minutes Migrating data on Google Cloud BigQuery may seem like a straightforward task, until you run into having to match old data to tables with different schemas and data types. There are many approaches you can take to moving data, perhaps using SQL commands to transform the data to be compatible with the new schema. However, SQL has limitations as a programming language, being a query-centric Continue Reading

black flat screen computer monitor on black wooden table

Know how Computer Vision and Augmented Reality overlap each other?

Reading Time: 2 minutes To understand the overlapping of Computer Vision and Augmented Reality, Let’s understand what is computer vision, augumented reality and virtual reality. Computer Vision Augmented Reality Virtual Reality A direct comparison of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Application of Augmented Reality and Computer Vision Augmented Reality and Computer Vision in Autonomous Cars Security Monitoring with Augmented Vision and Computer Vision Augmented Reality and Computer Vision in Continue Reading

black and red quadcopter drone

Sparse Matrices: What makes them important for Machine Learning

Reading Time: 4 minutes Dense Matrix and Sparsity of the Matrix There are two common matrix types: dense and sparse. The main difference is that sparse metrics have many null values ​​and dense metrics have none. Below is an example of a 4-by-4 sparse matrix. Reasons to use Sparse Matrix representation Storage Since there are fewer non-zero elements than zero, less memory is available to store only those elements. Continue Reading

Metaverse digital Avatar, Metaverse Presence, digital technology, cyber world, virtual reality

Let us know what is TensorFlow Lite Task Library

Reading Time: 2 minutes TensorFlow Lite is a framework of software packages that enables ML training locally on the hardware. This on-device processing and computing allow developers to run their models on targeted hardware. The hardware includes development boards, hardware modules, and embedded and IoT devices. TensorFlow Lite Task Library contains a useful and powerful set of interfaces. That helps us handle most of the pre-processing and post-processing logic Continue Reading

Analyzing data.

How To Put Event Data On AWS Event Bus Using Lambda?

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this article, we will talk about how to put event data on AWS event bus using Lambda. This article will help you adapt serverless architecture as it involves one of the standard core data flow models that involve API Gateway, Lambda, and a data processing service such as AWS EventBridge in our case. Throughout the article, we will be taking the help of AWS Continue Reading

How To Quality-Check Python Code Using Pylint On CI?

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this article, we will talk about how to quality-check Python code using Pylint on CI. Code Quality Through CI As we know, code quality is an important aspect of any project. It is the responsibility of every developer to quality-check the code before pushing it to the repository. However, to enforce this and implement the concepts of Continuous Integration (CI), we need to have Continue Reading

Best Approach For Resume screening by Machine Learning-Part 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Resume screening is the process of determining whether a candidate is qualified for a role based on his or her education, experience, and other information captured on their resume. It’s a form of pattern matching between a job’s requirements and the qualifications of a candidate based on their resume. The goal of screening resumes is to decide whether to move a candidate forward – Continue Reading

How to Check for Valid Scripts in GitLab?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello readers, so today we will look that how can we validate scripts in GitLab. Here we are talking about bash scripts and python scripts. Both of these types of scripts have different syntaxes. So we’ll just verify the scripts whenever a push event occurs in GitLab. Prerequisites A GitLab account Git Installed on local Bash & Python scripts in GitLab repo Code So in Continue Reading


How to create an EventBridge application in python

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers!!! In this article, we will see how we can create an eventbridge application in python. First we will see create a python application that will send custom events to eventBridge. Then if rule matches, target will be invoked which would be lambda function in our case. And lambda will prints the event details in the cloud watch. Create an eventbridge project : 1.First Continue Reading

boto3 aws

Provision AWS Services from Boto3

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hello, Readers hope all are doing well and liked my previous blogs on various DevOps tools and practices. If you have not gone through these blogs you can click here for them. Now in this blog, we will check provision AWS Services from Boto3 like ECS and ECR but first, we will understand some basic concepts or components we are going to use here. What Continue Reading

Explore how to apply continual learning to your machine learning models

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, we will be learning about continual learning (CI) importance in artificial intelligence. Continual Learning means the ability of a model to learn independently whenever new data comes in. Some may know it as auto-adaptive learning, or continual AutoML. The idea of CL is to mimic human’s ability to continually acquire, fine-tune, and transfer knowledge and skills throughout their lifespan. For example, we’ve Continue Reading