
Performance v/s Scalability in Reactive Microservices

Reading Time: 2 minutes Performance and Scalability are the two main factors that come into account when creating a Distributed System. When people talk about these two terminologies they very often use these two words synonymously. However, they mean different things. As there’s a lot of misunderstanding so in this blog we’ll discuss Performance and Scalability, their differences and relation if any. Performance – Performance is all about optimizing Continue Reading

Building Scalable Systems

Reading Time: 7 minutes Building a Reactive System is all about the balance between consistency and availability and the consequences of picking one over the other. This article mainly focuses on consistency and availability and how they impact the scalability of a system. What is Scalability, Consistency and Availability? A system is scalable if it can meet the increase in demand while remaining responsive.It is consistent if all the Continue Reading

Understanding laws of scalability and the effects on a distributed system

Reading Time: 4 minutes A reactive system primarily focuses on responsiveness, elasticity, message-driven, and resiliency as its core features. Elasticity is one of the main components in the reactive manifesto. An elastic system has the ability to scale up or scale down when there is an increase/decrease in demand while remaining responsive. Scenarios where a system needs to improve the throughput or needs to handle more concurrent users, we Continue Reading

“Why do you always choose Microservices over me?” said the Monolithic architecture

Reading Time: 7 minutes Ever wondered why do companies like Apple, eBay and Netflix care so much about microservices? What makes this simple architecture so special that it is being hyped so much? Is it worth the pain and efforts to shift an entire running application from monolithic to microservices architecture? Many such questions came to our minds when we started using the microservices in our projects. In this Continue Reading

Integrating Play app with Lagom application

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is Lagom? Simply put, it is a microservices tool. Lagom is a microservices framework that guides developers in moving from monolithic to a scalable, resilient microservice based systems. It is a platform delivering you not only the microservice framework but also a whole tool set for developing applications along with creating, managing and monitoring your services. According to Lightbend the focus should not be Continue Reading

Cassandra with Spark 2.0 : Building Rest API !

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this tutorial , we will be demonstrating how to make a REST service in Spark using Akka-http as a side-kick  😉  and Cassandra as the data store. We have seen the power of Spark earlier and when it is combined with Cassandra in a right way it becomes even more powerful. Earlier we have seen how to build Rest Api on Spark and Couchbase Continue Reading

Building Massively Scalable Applications with Akka 2.0

Reading Time: < 1 minute Recently Knoldus, presented at the IndicThreads conference, New Delhi on the power of Akka 2.0. The case study involved a demonstration on how a major white goods company is able to analyse their social feeds in real time and respond back to customers needs. The solution currently runs on a cluster of 40 nodes with 16 cores on each node. The presentation emphasized on the Continue Reading