

An Introduction to AWS GovCloud

Reading Time: 3 minutes AWS GovCloud(US) is an isolated AWS region that is designed to host sensitive data and regulated workloads in the AWS cloud. Basically, it helps customers to support their government compliance requirements (currently only in the US). Compliance requirements related to FISMA, fedRAMP, DoD, etc of the US.  FedRAMP stands for the “Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program”. DoD stands for the “Department of Defense”. FISMA stands Continue Reading

Amazon EMR

Reading Time: 3 minutes Businesses worldwide are discovering the power of new big data processing and analytics frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, but they are also discovering some of the challenges of operating these technologies in on-premises data lake environments. They may also have concerns about the future of their current distribution vendor. Common problems of on-premises big data environments include a lack of agility, excessive costs, Continue Reading

Data Lake – Build it in Phases

Reading Time: 3 minutes Data Lake – How to build a data lake and what are the phases involved in the same.

Apache Spark: Read Data from S3 Bucket

Reading Time: < 1 minute Amazon S3 Accessing S3 Bucket through Spark Edit spark-default.conf file You need to add below 3 lines consists of your S3 access key, secret key & file system spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key “s3keys” spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key “yourkey” spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem

Getting started with Amazon SNS

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction The Simple Notification Service (SNS) is used as a publish and subscribe messaging service. But what does it mean? SNS is centered around topics and you can think of a topic as a group for collecting messages. Users or endpoints can then subscribe to this topic and messages or events are then published to that topic. When a message is published, all subscribers to Continue Reading

Getting started with Amazon SQS

Reading Time: 4 minutes With the continuing growth of microservices and a cloud best practice of designing decoupled systems, it’s important that developers have the ability to utilize a service or system that handles the delivery of messages between components and this is where SQS comes in. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) is a fully managed service offered by AWS, that works seamlessly with server-less systems, microservices or any Continue Reading

DynamoDB Core Components

Amazon DynamoDB: Core Components

Reading Time: 4 minutes   DynamoDB is a part of Amazon Web Services. It is a NoSQL database, which supports key-value and document data structures. In this blog, we will be discussing Core components of DynamoDb. Features of DynamoDb: It is a fully managed NoSQL database. It can store & retrieve any amount of data, and can serve any amount of traffic. To maintain fast performance, it distributes data Continue Reading

The Rise Of Scanamo: Async Access For DynamoDB In Scala

Reading Time: 2 minutes Scanamo is a library to use DynamoDB with Scala in a simpler manner with less error-prone code. Now the question is  “Why should anyone use it?” The answer is very simple. As DynamoDB clients provided by AWS are not available in Scala DSL. So there are a number of libraries available for DynamoDB to write your queries in Scala. But what makes Scanamo different from other Continue Reading

Create AWS Lambda with ease

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi readers, this is my second blog on AWS lambda, I covered the basics in my previous blogs. Now we will focus on the implementation part. Before starting, please keep a check on these things: Prerequisite Setup your AWS account, click here  Understanding what AWS Lambda is? click here All set let’s start.

Amazon ES – Secure your cluster from anonymous users! #2

Reading Time: 5 minutes In the previous blog, we have learned how to create a domain on Amazon ES and also how to create an index using Curl on the cluster. Now, let’s just look how we can control access to Amazon ES Domain. One of the key benefits of using Amazon ES is that you can utilize AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control access to your Continue Reading

Amazon ES – setting up the cluster! #1

Reading Time: 4 minutes Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud services platform, providing compute power, database storage, content delivery, security options and other functionality to allow businesses to build sophisticated applications with increased flexibility, scalability and reliability. Amazon Elasticsearch is one of the services provided by AWS. Amazon ES Amazon Elasticsearch Service, also called Amazon ES, is a managed service that makes it easy to create a domain, Continue Reading

Unveiling The Mystery Of Serverless

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, we will explore about Serverless and why it is trending so much? Serverless, is itself a self-explanatory word, means there are no servers. But, is it really true? No, it is not. Serverless does not mean the absence of servers. There are servers actually, it’s just that we don’t have to manage them. All the infrastructure is provided by companies like AWS, Google, Azure Continue Reading

Introduction to AWS Step Function

Reading Time: 2 minutes Step Function is state-machine based workflow coordination as a service provided by AWS. AWS provides a straightforward way for application developers to create an execution workflow to coordinate the use of multiple AWS Lambda or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) components in distributed applications running on the cloud. Before digging into AWS Step function, let’s take an example. You want to send an automated verification message to the new user Continue Reading