Insights and perspectives to keep you updated.

Scala vs Python for Apache Spark: An In-depth Comparison

Reading Time: 5 minutes Imagine the first day of a new Apache Spark project. The project manager looks at the team and says: which one to choose, scala or python. So let’s start with “scala vs python for spark”.  You may wonder if this is a tricky question. What does the enterprise demand say? Is this like asking iOS or Android? Is there a right or wrong answer? So Continue Reading


DevOps implementation failures & how to prevent them

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is DevOps We have often come across the buzzword ‘DevOps’ and businesses wanting to implement it as soon as possible.But it’s not as easy as any other framework.Today we try to understand why many DevOps Implementations fails.We would also list down points on how to prevent these failures. DevOps is a culture and set of practices and should not be about just tooling.It talks Continue Reading

Writing directly to the Register Address. Safe or Unsafe?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hi again, I am back to discuss one more interesting blog today which will help you in preventing errors while working with hardware registers. This will tell you what can happen if you put Invalid Address on the register. As we are working with the Embedded Systems they make our task fast and reliable. Also, they are much smaller in size compared to traditional computers, Continue Reading

scala variances

Scala Variances: Covariance, Contravariance, and Invariance

Reading Time: 4 minutes 1. Variance Variance is the interconnection of subtyping relationship between complex types and their component types. Variance is all about sub-typing. It tells us if a type constructor is a subtype of another type constructor. Variance defines inheritance relationships of parameterized types(types that have parameters within them). Sub-Typing Every programming language supports the concept of types. Types give information about how to handle values at Continue Reading

Axon Part 1: An Introduction to Axon Framework

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is the first part of an ongoing series of blogs explaining Axon Framework. This blog will help you get started with axon and get a basic understanding of the same. Prerequisites Understanding Axon requires a basic knowledge of a few Axon concepts. Those are: Microservices Command Query Responsibility Segregation(CQRS) Commands, Events and Queries Domain Driven Design(DDD) Event Sourcing SAGA Design Pattern Introduction Problem: The Continue Reading

black and gray laptop computer

Why we should adopt Oracle Cloud Infrastructure?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello everyone, one of the most basic questions asked today by admins all over the world is why we should use a particular cloud platform and what are its benefits. So today let’s have a look at what Oracle Cloud Infrasture brings on to the table and what are it benefits as compared to other cloud service providers like AWS. Cost-Effectiveness First things first, the Continue Reading

Host a wasm module on Raspberry Pi easily Part 1

Reading Time: 5 minutes In this series of WebAssembly, I tell you about wasm and some useful CLI to have fun with wasm. WebAssembly is an open standard that defines a portable binary code format for executable programs, and a corresponding textual representation for interactions between such programs and their hosts. More than 20 companies reportedly use WebAssembly in their tech stacks, including Backend, Foretag, and Cubbit. C++, C, Rust, Blazor, and Yew Framework are some of the popular tools that can Continue Reading

Debugging Apache Beam Pipeline

Reading Time: 2 minutes Overview Apache Beam is known as one of the widely used frameworks for Stream and Batch processing in a distributed environment and provides some very unique features. It is an open-source, unified bulk data processing framework that supports data processing through various SDKs that allow the execution of pipelines in different processing engines/runners. Beam Apache runners : Spark Flink Apex Google Cloud Dataflow DirectRunner. A Continue Reading

Fault tolerance and Resiliency in Apache Kafka.

Reading Time: 5 minutes Kafka is known for it’s performance with resiliency & fault tolerance. In this article we’ll see how to make some changes in configuration to achieve fault tolerance and resilience for better architectural need. before starting the article, we need to have basic knowledge of Kafka or we can go through the Document. Apache Kafka is a distributed system, and the term fault tolerance is very Continue Reading

Know about Cloud Computing Architecture

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is the cloud: It is the delivery of user on-demand resources like servers, storage, and software over the internet. In simple words pay and use a service provider. It gives the capacity to assemble, plan, and oversee applications on the cloud stage. The best example is AWS(Amazon Web Services), Google e.t.c. In cloud, the service provider is the vendors who provide services to manage Continue Reading

Evolution of Ethereum followed by Bitcoin

Reading Time: 4 minutes Decentralised currency, digital currency, and peer-to-peer money all refer to bank-free methods of transferring wealth or ownership of any other commodity without needing a third party such as Banks. Bitcoin: Bitcoin is a consensus network that enables a new payment system and completely digital money. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network. From a user perspective, Bitcoin is pretty much like cash for the Continue Reading

How to Answer: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses during an interview?

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the most common interview questions that most of us have experienced  or will experience at some point is “How to answer the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” in an interview.” In preparation for an interview, candidates should consider how best to answer this question so that the information is useful to employers while not damaging your chances of being hired. This Continue Reading

Akka Actors: How do they actually work

Reading Time: 2 minutes You might have used akka actors for building concurrent and distributed systems. But do you know how actors actually works under the hood? So let us understand in this blog how akka actors actually work. First of all, let us understand what are akka actors. Introduction Akka is an open-source library that helps to easily develop concurrent and distributed applications using Java or Scala by leveraging the Continue Reading