API Gateway

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Creating API Gateway to trigger Lambda Function

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hello Readers! I hope you are doing very well. So, In this blog we will create an API gateway to trigger lambda functions. Let’s talk about API gateway and after that we will trigger a lambda function using it. API Gateway: Api Gateways are just a web endpoint to your application. You can configure the target to be any aws service you want. So, It’s just Continue Reading

Getting Started with Spring Cloud Gateway

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction First of all, we will know what is “Spring Cloud Gateway”. Spring Cloud Gateway provides a library for building API gateways on top of Spring and Java. API gateway is the single entry point to multiple microservices. On the other hand, we can understand that any external system can not access all other microservices directly. It can access through only one common entry to Continue Reading

API Gateway – What’s in it for me?

Reading Time: 5 minutes PI (Application Programmable Interfaces) are the foundation for building your digital business, they are sets of routines, protocols, and tools for describing how software applications and components should interact with each other. They are the key driver in today’s economy for integrating with an ecosystem much larger than most companies can build on their own.