Knoldus Singapore

What is Open Class in Scala 3?

Reading Time: 2 minutes At Knoldus, we are pursuing to learn and share Scala 3 features with the community. In that quest, I am writing this blog to talk about a new feature being introduced in Scala 3 – Open Class. You can read about our other blogs on Scala3 here. Story till Scala2? In Scala 2, all classes are by default available for extensions, and we need to Continue Reading

Scala3 Vlog: Intersection Types

Reading Time: < 1 minute Intersection Type is a type which is the mixin of multiple types.
The intersection types of two different type A and B would be written as A & B in Scala3

Hexagonal Architecture

Reading Time: 2 minutes As the 12 factor app states, that each component of an application should work independent of each other. This is required in order to make the update process simpler. This is where many developers use architectural pattern, commonly known as hexagonal architecture. The main aim of this architecture is to divide the application into loosely couple components. These components can then be connected using ports Continue Reading

Scala3 Vlog: Union Types

Reading Time: < 1 minute Hello folks, We have released another video on Scala3 series which talks about a new type i.e. Union Types. Union Type is a type which is one of a set of other type, or a type of a variable or expression which can consist of multiple types. And the main reason for introducing Union Types in Scala is that for every set of types, we Continue Reading

Pre-Trade Messages

Reading Time: 2 minutes Submitting an order is not an easy task. It becomes handy when some information is known in advance to decide the order details that needs to be submitted. This is where pre-trade messages come in place. They help to retrieve the information about the securities and market conditions. This can help the broker or the trader to make sure if they have sufficient funding or Continue Reading

Java 11: Lambda Expression and String functions

Reading Time: 3 minutes Java 11 comes up with a lot of new features, thus easing out the life of a programmer. In this blog, I will discuss some of them. First and foremost great news about java 11, we need not to compile the java source file using command javac. A java program can now easily run using java command as the compilation happens implicitly. Lambda Parameter Syntax: Continue Reading

Scala3 Vlog: Starting with Scala3

Reading Time: < 1 minute Hello folks,As we all know that Scala3 (or Dotty) launch can happen anytime soon. So here we bring you a video on how can you write your first code in Scala3 with your favourite IDE (i.e. Intellij Idea) with minimal setup. Watch out the first video on Scala3.

Introducing Transparent Traits in Scala 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes I am learning Scala 3 and as I go along, I want to share about it with our community. In this quest, I had written an article a few days back on Trait Parameters in Scala 3. Check it out! In this article, I am going to write about a new feature of Scala 3, called Transparent Traits. Firstly, we will look into the problem Continue Reading

Pre-market Trading Strategies

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is a common saying, “What you do in early in the morning depicts the rest of your day”. So is true in the life of a trader. It is an extremely important task for traders to analyze the pre-market trading stock market even if they don’t intend to trade during those hours. This will help them to master the technique in order to get Continue Reading

Introduction to Pre-Market Trading

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is Pre-market Trading? Pre-market trading refers to activity in the stock market that happens before the regular market session opens. During the regular hours, many brokers find the stock market extremely crowded and hence, they prefer a less packed time to trade i.e. either during pre-market or post market. In this blog, we will learn all about the pre-market trading. A pre-market trade is Continue Reading

The 12 Factor App

Reading Time: 4 minutes This blog will explain the principles of the 12 factor app. These principle basically eliminate the unnecessary ache required while building your application. It makes the development process smooth, thus resulting in a robust and reliable application. 1. Codebase: A twelve-factor app states that a single app should not have multiple codebases, otherwise it is a distributed system instead of an app. Also, multiple apps Continue Reading


Higher Order Functions and Closures in Scala

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, we will go through the concepts of higher order functions and closures in Scala with the help of example. 1. Higher Order Functions A higher order function takes other functions as parameter or returns a function as a result. Let us understand it better with the help of examples: a) When a method is passed as an argument: Output: Open In the Continue Reading

Match Types in Dotty

Reading Time: 2 minutes As we already know that Dotty is the new Scala version and will obviously be more stronger and powerful then Scala 2.In Scala-2, pattern matching is only applicable to the objects and not on the types. But with the new Scala compiler i.e Dotty, it is possible to apply matching on Types also. For example, The Container is a type which gets reduce to further Continue Reading