
Introductory Scala Concepts (Pattern Matching, Option, and Try/Success/Failure)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Pattern Matching: Scala Pattern matching is one of the features of functional programming that make it such an awesome paradigm. This tool is somewhat similar to switch statements you might be familiar with from other languages such as Java or Python, however Scala pattern matching is a much more powerful tool. In short, pattern matching allows one to check a value against a pattern as Continue Reading

Combinators- A functional approach of error handling in ‘Rust’

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this world, everyone is interested in the spikes whether it is related to professional thing or personal. In this blog, I am going to give you spikes of the programming practices in Rust. Error Handling – process of handling the possibility of failure Today, every programmer is worried whether he has implemented error handling in right manner or not. There are various ways to Continue Reading