
BDD framework with Rest -assured + cucumber using scala and sbt

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hi all , here we are going to develop a BDD framework for automating our Rest API’s with the help of rest assured and cucumber using scala and sbt build tool. REST assured DSL already provides a BDD style writing of tests in the Given , When and Then format , but still if you want to know what scenarios are covered , you still Continue Reading

Locator strategy using Selenium 4.0

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the last blog, we saw how we can setup a maven project in Selenium (Getting started with Selenium 4.0) and now we will see different Locator strategy using Selenium 4.0 Why Why Locators are required? When we go to any website it has multiple fields, buttons, forms, etc. We need to uniquely identify the elements present on the website in order to successfully automate Continue Reading

Table Driven Testing in Scala

Reading Time: 3 minutes As a software developer, I ensure to write unit tests for the code which I write (and at times the missing unit tests for the existing code). My aim has been to ensure to cover all the cases that arise out of the code written and therefore I face challenges in this too. Because of my endeavour to write a sufficiently strong test suite for Continue Reading

Testability of Database Applications

Reading Time: 2 minutes Testability Testability is a non-functional requirement important to the testing team members and the users who are involved in user acceptance testing. Testability is mainly depends on the degree on which software team works like SRS (software requirement specification) FRD (Functional Design document) Software system, etc. Support testing for the software application under test. Minimum number of test cases that covers the entire testing scope Continue Reading

Playing MultipartFormData: A basic example to handle and test MultipartFormData request in Play Framework 2.3.8

Reading Time: 2 minutes Playing MultipartFormData The following blog and attached code represent an example to upload file using MultipartFormData request and Testing it into Play Application. A basic example to handle and test MultipartFormData request in Play Framework 2.3.8 The standard way to upload files in a web application is to use a form with a special multipart/form-data encoding, which lets you mix standard form data with file attachment Continue Reading