

Introduction and working of web 3.0 and blockchain

Reading Time: 5 minutes What is Web 3.0? The third generation of web technologies is Web 3.0 (Web3). The World Wide Web, commonly referred to as the web, serves as the basic building block of the internet by offering website and application services. There are only a few, accepted definitions of Web 3.0 because it is continually changing and being defined. However, it is evident that Web 3.0 will Continue Reading

Solana – Wallet Creation and Sending Tokens

Reading Time: 4 minutes Solana is an open-source project implementing a new, high-performance, permissionless blockchain. It is also the most performant permissionless blockchain where a network of 200 physically distinct nodes supports a throughput of more than 50,000 transactions per second. Solana has innovated a mempool-less transaction forwarding protocol. A mempool is a set of transactions that have been submitted to the network and are yet to be processed by the Continue Reading

What is Blockchain Technology ? Introduction to its Components and Architecture

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction to Blockchain In the last two decades, the internet went through a lot of transformations. Internet has the ability to safely transfer or receive money, because of Blockchain Technology and its components Online transactions became the next big thing. Online transactions involve 3 parties: a Sender, a Receiver, and the middle party through which they make the transaction, which in most cases is a Continue Reading

Contracts in Ethereum using Solidity

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Contracts in the sense of Solidity is a collection of code and data. That resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain. Contracts in Solidity are similar to classes in object-oriented languages. They contain persistent data in state variables, and functions that can modify these variables. Creating Contracts Contracts can be create from outside via Ethereum transactions or from within Solidity contracts. Lets Continue Reading

Private Blockchain Benefits: Explained!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Private Blockchains are reserved and authorization-based as opposed to public Blockchains (such as Ethereum and Bitcoin). This concept of private Blockchain assumes that an organization or an entity must get an invite to join the private network. It is a secure and locked ecosystem where only invitees/members are allowed access. Private Blockchains are impeccable for building a closed B2B transactional network among a few business Continue Reading

Embrace Blockchain for Business Transformation

Reading Time: 10 minutes While some industries introduced Blockchain in their business model at a very initial level, some are still struggling with determining the role of the technology in their domain and in the types of funding that they can receive. Let’s take a walkthrough of industries that have been revolutionised by this technology and their impact received, followed by the type of industries most expected to answer Continue Reading

Value Types In Solidity

Reading Time: 3 minutes Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for creating smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs that decide the behaviour of accounts within the Ethereum state. Solidity is a statically typed language. It supports inheritance, libraries and complex user-defined types among other features. With Solidity, you can create contracts for uses such as voting, crowdfunding, blind auctions, and multi-signature wallets. There are various data types in solidity Continue Reading

Carpooling Chain – Cab Booking made better

Reading Time: 3 minutes About Carpooling Chain is a decentralized blockchain solution built with the objective of eliminating the need for a central authority to book cabs. The blockchain backend for Carpooling chain is build using Substrate. Substrate is a next-generation framework for blockchain innovation. It comes with everything you need to build your blockchain.  Substrate is a completely free and open-source project. It is built using Rust and WebAssembly. Rust is designed for Continue Reading

History of Blockchain: A Brief Overview of Three Generations

Reading Time: 3 minutes What started as an infrastructure underlying Bitcoin cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology has emerged as an actual game changer While introducing new possibilities and applications now and then the technology, has gained its own share of hype and scams.  Because of this, various Entrepreneurs and developers are still confused regarding what would be the real impact of Blockchain technology on the economy. They are still doubtful about Continue Reading

Do you know Ethereum, Smart contracts with Solidity?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Solidity is an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms, most notably Ethereum. Ethereum Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain-based software platform. It has its own cryptocurrency called Ether. It enables the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications, known as dapps. In addition, Ethereum is also a programming language that is executed on EVM. In simple words, Ethereum is “codify, decentralize, secure, and trade Continue Reading

Polkadot.js API for blockchain development (Part 2)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers!! In the previous blog, we read about what is Polkadot.js and how to install it, So now we will see how we can use it by creating its instance. So Lets start! We have the API installed. We have an understanding of what will actually exposed. And how the API knows what to expose. So let’s create an actual API instance, Providers Focusing Continue Reading

Polkadot.js API for blockchain development

Reading Time: 3 minutes The API provides application developers the ability to query a node and interact with the Polkadot or Substrate chains using Javascript. Hello Readers, today we will see what is a polkadot.js API. These sections should provide you with all the information needed to install the @polkadot/api package, understand the structure of the interfaces and allow you to start using it. For existing users this really should be Continue Reading

How Substrate Frame v2 different from Frame v1

Reading Time: 3 minutes Blockchain is a specific type of database. It differs from a typical database in the way it stores information. Blockchains store data in blocks that are then chained together. Blockchain has changed how we perceive problems. It has brought tons of benefits. Blockchain technology solves key issues like trust in a network. Blockchain technology utilizes advanced security compared to other platforms or record-keeping systems. By using Continue Reading