Author: Saurabh Suresh Dhotre

student with documents and laptop happy about getting into university

Reactive Vs Functional Programming: Which is right for you?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Reactive programming is a paradigm that allows you to develop applications and services using asynchronous streams of data and other events. It uses event-driven declarative code patterns to handle the complexities of asynchronous code, rather than imperative constructs like callbacks. In this article, we explain what reactive programming is and how it compares to other paradigms like functional programming. We’ll also give you some Continue Reading

woman programming on a notebook

Reactive Programming: What is it And Why We Need It

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Reactive Programming is a paradigm that helps developers write event-driven applications by using observable streams of data. It’s often used in modern applications, especially on mobile devices and the web. In this article, we’ll explain what is and why we need it. We’ll also look at some of its benefits. And limitations so you can decide if it’s right for your project or not! Continue Reading


Indexing in MarkLogic: a quick data finder.

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction MarkLogic is a document-oriented database that provides a highly flexible cloud-based solution for storing and managing documents. It has been used in applications ranging from enterprise search to e-commerce and financial services. This article will explain how to index in MarkLogic Server. Using the Universal Index, as well as other types of indexes available within the product. We’ll also cover reindexing options when your Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence & MarkLogic: An Wonderful Architecture

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Automation is a crucial part of the Artificial Intelligence cycle. It allows organizations to perform tasks that require human input and improves tradecraft. This also increases efficiency in order to keep pace with changing technologies and requirements. And MarkLogic is providing some extra benefits in implementing AI processes. MarkLogic has its own optimized algorithms and implementations of some AI methodologies. Achieved due to its Continue Reading

Developing programmer Development Website design and coding technologies working

MarkLogic Data Hub: For new data Ingestion

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction The MarkLogic Data Hub is a secure, scalable database platform. It is used to store and manage data across multiple cloud-based environments. It helps you create a virtualized database that may deploy in the cloud and on-premises. Perform day-to-day operations like creating reports or working with data directly in Excel or another spreadsheet application. The MarkLogic Data Hub provides many tools for getting started Continue Reading

MarkLogic and CRUD operations: for Better Performance.

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction We have been working a lot on MarkLogic Streams and it’s great to see how many people are using them. As part of this work, we’ve also been able to release some new capabilities that allow you to do CRUD operations using the HTTP protocol. We think this will make it easier for people who want to build applications that require more flexibility than Continue Reading

MarkLogic & Hadoop: for ease of technology solutions

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction The MarkLogic Connector for Apache Hadoop is a powerful tool that allows you to use MapReduce. MarkLogic Platform to move large volumes of data into your Hadoop cluster. With this integration, you can leverage existing technology and processes for ETL. In addition, this connector enables you to take advantage of many advanced features available only in MarkLogic. ” MarkLogic, Hadoop, Hadoop Integration, why MarkLogic Continue Reading

SOLID Principles: Open Closed Principle for better Understanding of extension and modification.

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction The Open-Closed Principle states that a software module (class, method, etc.) should be open for extension but closed to modification. This principle was proposed by Bertrand Meyer in the late 1970s and early 1980s. As a guideline for designing object-oriented software. The OCP states that the purpose of design patterns is to hide details from clients. And can focus on their specific problem domain Continue Reading

Hacker hands using laptop computer to code

MarkLogic And Machine Learning: Easy way of ML

Reading Time: 6 minutes Introduction Machine learning is a subfield of computer science. Used to deal with the construction of artificial intelligence systems that can learn without being explicitly programmed. It has been applied in many areas such as data analysis, pattern recognition, and understanding human behavior. MarkLogic combines database internals, search-style indexing, and application server behavior into a unified system. It uses XML and JSON documents along with Continue Reading

Introduction to Liferay DXP: A simple way of web development.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Liferay Portal is an open-source enterprise portal software, which provides companies with a single platform to manage all their content and applications. It brings together all the disparate systems in your business, such as email, intranet site, knowledge base, discussion forum etc. Liferay DXP is an extension of Liferay 7 CE (Community Edition) and contains additional modules such as EJB container and JMS broker Continue Reading

Spring Cloud GCP and Cloud Vision: A New Record Chain

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction In this blog post, we will explore Spring Cloud GCP’s support for Spring Boot and Cloud Vision. Spring Cloud GCP Spring Cloud GCP is a suite of libraries that help you build and manage applications on the Google Cloud Platform. Applications built using Spring Cloud GCP have the following characteristics: They are resilient, with a robust design and fault tolerance features like Circuit Breaker Continue Reading

Spring Cloud GCP and Cloud Storage: Unlimited Storage Option

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Section: Spring Cloud Storage provides a convenient abstraction for working with Google Cloud Storage, allowing you to easily access files from your application. And providing you with an interface that is consistent with other Spring APIs. Section: You can also use cloud storage to provide dynamic content to your applications, such as processing images on the fly or streaming videos directly to your client. Continue Reading

Spring Cloud GCP And BigQuery: A Way Large Dataset Handle

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction In this example, we are going to cover how to load data into the BigQuery table and query the table using GCP console and API. We will use Spring Cloud GCP to make our application ready for accessing the Google Cloud Platform services. Spring Cloud GCP and BigQuery Spring Cloud GCP and BigQuery is a library that provides support for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Continue Reading