
Trace caller’s source location in the stable Rust

Reading Time: < 1 minute Hello folks, In this blog, I will be introducing a feature to track source location of caller of a function.In one of the Rust projects, I came across a scenario, where I had to trace source location of caller of a function. Rust also has this feature, but it is not available for stable release. So I published a crate trace_caller and introduced trace , Continue Reading

Why programming community should be serious about RUST

Reading Time: 3 minutes I have been exploring Rust from the last few weeks, as it has been declared the most loving language in 2018. As a Scala/Java developer, I worked on many applications, which were related to the banking domain, web applications, mobile applications, e-commerce, social media, etc. But I was not able to find what kind of applications should be built in Rust? I have searched Rust’s Continue Reading

How to upload any file on Amazon S3 using Rust?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome everyone to the file upload on Amazon S3 using the Rust. Amazon S3 [Amazon Simple Storage Service] provides virtually limitless storage on the internet. For the bucket creations and security credentials please refer to my last blog. This blog explains following requests using Rust: sending a request to aws S3 bucket, list of objects in the bucket, putting  an object in the bucket, deleting Continue Reading

Are you still using `println` in Rust for debugging?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Printing to standard output is a good way to trace through your code and troubleshoot potential problems. While coding, many programmers use a lot of println statements to see what is going on at different levels in their code. If you are from Java background, you would have used System.out.println() and System.err.println() methods. If you are from Scala background, you would have used println. As Continue Reading

Working with Rust: Formatting, Linting & Auto-completion

Reading Time: 4 minutes Every language has its own toolset for writing effective and clean code, Rust is no different. So in this blog, we would be describing how to format the rust code, while working with different editors or IDE. Formatting code is a mechanical task which takes both time and mental effort. By using an automatic formatting tool, a programmer is relieved of this task and can Continue Reading