
How to capture a Screenshot of a Web Page, Section, and a Web Element in Selenium

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hello Everyone! In this blog, we will talk about one of the important features of Selenium for Automation Testing i.e How to Capture a Screenshot of a Web Page, Section, and Web Element through Selenium. So, let’s start. Why Screenshot is required in Automation Testing? Whenever a tester finds and reports a bug, that bug would not be taken seriously without supporting screenshots or even Continue Reading

CRUD Operations in K6 | Tech

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Readers, In this blog, I am going to explore, HTTP methods in K6. Basically, HTTP methods are also called HTTP verbs and CRUD operations because it is a set of requests which perform the desired actions like get, put, post, delete and so on. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete. These are four primitive database operations that map well to the HTTP Continue Reading

Rest Assured and Concourse – How to integrate?

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this short blog, we will see how to integrate rest assured with the concourse CI pipeline. As we all know, CI/CD is now a major part of the software industry and we as QA engineers must tussle with CI/CD to have our automated test integrated with the pipeline. This blog is all about that tussle only. So, let’s begin. What is Concourse? Before moving Continue Reading

Automate Android App in Appium with Data-Driven Framework

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hi friends, Welcome to our appium blog series, In the last blog, we know about the desired capability which helps a lot in an appium to test whatever android or iOS to know more about the problems related to appium and also for better understanding of Desired Capabilities which are essential for mobile testing so please go through our previous blogs from here but this Continue Reading

Data Driven Testing in JMeter

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi folks, Initially, In this blog we will go through the data driven testing concept, then we will briefly see the step by step process of implementing the JMeter test script using data from external sources. Data driven testing? Data-driven testing is one of the most important mechanisms to determine the stability of the application.  Mostly, when an application is tested by a tester manually Continue Reading

Testing in the Cloud

Reading Time: 4 minutes This blog will touch on the benefits and best practices of continuous testing in the cloud, why it’s more critical now than ever before. Cloud-based quality assurance (QA) is gradually substituting on-premises QA. Because it helps save time and money on software testing, streamlines processes, and provides access to a wide pool of devices. Getting Started With Cloud Testing Cloud Testing is a type of Continue Reading

Automation using Record and playback feature in Katalon studio

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Katalon studio? Before directly jumping to the Automation through Katalon studio, firstly we understand a bit about Katalon studio. Katalon studio is a free and simple tool for automated testing that uses the Selenium and Appium libraries and can be found pre-installed in the tool. It provides a specialized IDE interface for smooth and easy web, API, mobile and desktop application testing. With Continue Reading

Selenide – 101

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey folks, In this short blog, we will explore a rather unique and powerful framework for UI testing called Selenide. Some of you may think, the name is somewhat similar to Selenium and you are not wrong. We can say that selenide is a derivative of selenium. With this thought, let’s start our blog tutorial. What is Selenide? Selenide is a testing framework powered by Continue Reading

Api Micro-service (HTTP) Contract Test

Reading Time: 4 minutes A pact is a code-first tool for testing HTTP and message integrations using contract tests. It’s will help you to have a write HTTP Contract test. Contract-driven testing Have you ever traveled to a country where people don’t speak your native language? When two people don’t speak the same language, it’s hard for them to accomplish anything together, So for resolve that issue we will Continue Reading

How to Create Test case in Manual mode with Katalon Studio

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Katalon Studio is an easy and free automation tool that helps individuals to perform automation tasks. It comes with Record-playback feature and a Manual mode feature. Katalon studio helps the individual with less programming skill to easily generate automation tests by supporting keyword-driven testing where test cases consist of keywords that represent actions of users on the AUT (Applications Under Test). In this blog, Continue Reading

Non-HTTP Contract Test (Message Pact)

Reading Time: 4 minutes This blog shows how to create a contract between producer and consumer using the Message Pact framework. What is Contract Testing? Contract testing is writing tests to make sure the services can communicate well with each other. There are two perspectives in Contract testing: One is the consumer entity using the service and other one is the provider entity that provides the service. As an Continue Reading

How to handle iframe in Selenium Webdriver

Reading Time: 4 minutes What is iframe ? An iframe is also known as the inline frame. It is a tag used in HTML5 to embed an HTML document within a parent HTML document. An iframe tag is defined using <iframe></iframe> tags. An iFrame is an inline frame used inside a webpage to load another HTML document inside it. This HTML document may also contain JavaScript and/or CSS which is loaded at Continue Reading

Why We Need Desired Capabilities in Appium

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi friends, initially, In this blog, we learn about “why we need Desired Capabilities in Appium“, so as we discussed earlier, Appium is a tool used for mobile testing. It also required a connection between mobile and Appium server that things which help to make a proper bond in between are “Desire Capabilities.” Appium tool is an open-source, cross-platform automation testing tool, and therefore the Continue Reading