
Apache Spark’s Developers Friendly Structured APIs: Dataframe and Datasets

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is the second part of the blog series on Spark‘s structured APIs Dataframe & Datasets. In the first part we covered Dataframe and I recommend you go read that blog first if you are new to spark. In this blog we’ll cover the Spark Datasets API, so let’s get started. The Datasets API Datasets are also the combination of two characteristics: typed and untyped Continue Reading

Basics of Machine Learning and it’s Algorithms -You Need to Know

Reading Time: 6 minutes Machine Learning and it’s Algorithms Hi folks! Are you intrigued about Machine Learning and its Algorithms? If yes, Welcome. You have come to the right place. In this blog you will learn about machine learning and it’s algorithms. By the end of the blog, you will have the basic understanding of this field Machine Learning The term is self-explanatory enough that there is going to Continue Reading

fetching data from different sources using Spark 2.1

Spark: Type Safety in Dataset vs DataFrame

Reading Time: 4 minutes With type safety, programming languages prevents type errors, or we can say that type safety means the compiler will validate type while compiling, and throw an error when we try to assign a wrong type to a variable. Spark, a unified analytics engine for big data processing provides two very useful API’s DataFrame and Dataset that is easy to use, and are intuitive and expressive which makes Continue Reading

Spark: ACID Transaction with Delta Lake

Reading Time: 3 minutes Spark doesn’t provide some of the most essential features of a reliable data processing system such as Atomic APIs and ACID transactions as discussed in the blog Spark: ACID compliant or not. Spark welcomes a solution to the problem by working with Delta Lake. Delta Lake plays an intermediary service between Apache Spark and the storage system. Instead of directly interacting with the storage layer, Continue Reading

Knolx: Structured Streaming in Spark

Reading Time: < 1 minute Knoldus has organized a session on 08th February 2019. The topic was “Understanding Spark Structured Streaming”. Many people attended and enjoyed the session. In this blog post, I am going to share the slides & video of the session. Slides: Video: If you have any query, then please feel free to comment below.

Spark: Introduction to Datasets

Reading Time: 3 minutes As I have already discussed in my previous blog Spark: RDD vs DataFrames about the shortcomings of RDDs and how DataFrames overcome them. Now we’ll try to have a look at the shortcomings of DataFrames and how Dataset APIs can overcome them. DataFrames:- A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data, which is organized into named columns. Conceptually, it is equivalent to the relational tables with Continue Reading

Spark: RDD vs DataFrames

Reading Time: 3 minutes Spark SQL is a Spark module for structured data processing. Unlike the basic Spark RDD API, the interfaces provided by Spark SQL provide Spark with more information about the structure of both the data and the computation being performed. Internally, Spark SQL uses this extra information to perform extra optimizations.One use of Spark SQL is to execute SQL queries. When running SQL from within another Continue Reading

Difference between RDD , DF and DS in Spark

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog I try to cover the difference between RDD, DF and DS. much of you have a little bit confused about RDD, DF and DS. so don’t worry after this blog everything will be clear. With Spark2.0 release, there are 3 types of data abstractions which Spark officially provides now to use: RDD, DataFrame and DataSet. so let’s start some discussion about it. Continue Reading

The Dominant APIs of Spark: Datasets, DataFrames and RDDs

Reading Time: 4 minutes While working with Spark often we come across the three APIs: DataFrames, Datasets and RDDs.  In this blog I will discuss the three in terms of use case, performance and optimization.  It is essential to keep in mind that there is seamless transformation available between the three DataFrames, Datasets and RDDs. Implicitly the RDD forms the apex of both DataFrame and Datasets. The inception of Continue Reading