

Apache Camel – Error Handling

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the Apache Camel series, we have already reached the halfway mark. But, in this blog, you’ll tackle one of the most difficult aspects of integration: dealing with the unexpected. When it comes to handling unforeseen occurrences, developing applications that integrate different systems is difficult. You can manage these occurrences and recover in a single system that you fully control. In the same way, network-connected Continue Reading

Make better decisions with Google Cloud Document AI

Reading Time: 3 minutes Nearly all business processes today begin, include or end with a document. Most companies are sitting on the document goldmine. Thinking of which some are PDFs, emails, customer feedback, patents, contracts, technical documents, sensitive documents, HR files and the list goes on. These documents are only going to grow with time. Making sense of each document is difficult since a lot of these documents are Continue Reading

Advanced Types in Rust are quite helpful

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, we will discuss the advanced types available in Rust. Creating Type Synonyms with Type Aliases Rust provides the ability to declare a type alias to give an existing type another name. For this, we use the type keyword. For example, we can create the alias Kilometers to i32 like so:  Values that have the type Kilometers will be treated the same as values of type i32: Because Kilometers and i32 are the same type, we can add Continue Reading

Scala Beginner Series (1) : Basics

Reading Time: 4 minutes This series is all about the taste of Scala. It is best suitable for all the newbies in Scala. So here we go… This article will cover the fundamentals of Scala language. Values In Scala, we work with values: Values are used to define constants. val modifier means constant or immutable that means we cannot change its value once it is created. Thus reassignment to val is prohibited. It Continue Reading

ScalaFP: Mystery Of Scala Higher Kinded Type.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Scala type system holds a lot of mysteries. Sometimes these mysteries confuse us but mostly they provide us with a powerful feature. Today we will be discussing one of them called Higher Kinded Type Or Second Order Type. Before moving to higher kinded type lets brush up our basics first. Higher Order Function: So, functional programming follows an artistic rule called “functions are the first Continue Reading