Functional Programming

File Handling and Operations in Python

Reading Time: 4 minutes Python is extensively used for file handling and operations performed in a file. It supports multiple programming paradigms such as: Structured Programming Object-oriented Programming Functional Programming File Handling Python has its own standard library which is very extensive and offers a wide range of functionalities such as I/O handling and standard solutions to many problems that arise during execution. It uses dynamic typing to verify Continue Reading

Contracts in Ethereum using Solidity

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Contracts in the sense of Solidity is a collection of code and data. That resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain. Contracts in Solidity are similar to classes in object-oriented languages. They contain persistent data in state variables, and functions that can modify these variables. Creating Contracts Contracts can be create from outside via Ethereum transactions or from within Solidity contracts. Lets Continue Reading

Error handling in Solidity is very useful

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello guys, here is another blog on Solidity. Check out my previous blog on Value types in Solidity. In this blog, we will see how to do error handling in Solidity. Solidity uses state-reverting exceptions to handle errors. Such an exception undoes all changes made to the state in the current call and all its sub-calls and reports the error to the caller. When exceptions Continue Reading

Expressions and Control Structures in Solidity

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey Readers! Welcome back to the world of Solidity. In this blog we will see what are the Expressions and Control Structures in Solidity. Expressions and Control Structures in Solidity is a vast concept that we will see today. Control Structures Most of the control structures known from curly-braces languages are available in Solidity: There are if, else, while, do, for, break, continue, return, with Continue Reading

Box Pointers in Rust make recursive types possible

Reading Time: 3 minutes Overview A pointer is a general programming concept for a variable that contains an address in memory. In Rust, we have smart pointers in addition to normal pointers. Smart pointers are data structures that not only act as a pointer but also have additional metadata and capabilities. Box pointers are one of the smart pointers in Rust. Box Pointers Boxes allow you to store data on the heap Continue Reading

Gyroscope sensor of the stm32 board || Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hi everyone, in today’s blog we are going to work further with the Gyroscope sensor of the stm32 discovery board. We are going to access the l3gd20 package and return the important data to the main method. In the previous part of this series, we learned about the Gyroscope Sensor, how it works and where we use this sensor. So before reading it further, I Continue Reading

Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Part-1

Reading Time: 5 minutes Google Cloud Platform is a set of Computing, Networking, Storage, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Management services provided by Google that runs on the same Cloud infrastructure. There are over 100 products under the Google Cloud umbrella. In this blog, we will be discussing Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in detail. Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) provides access to a powerful sensitive data inspection. In addition, Continue Reading

Structure of a Contract in Solidity

Reading Time: 3 minutes Smart Contracts for Ethereum are primarily written using Solidity. They are the basic unit of deployment and also used in execution for EVMs. Contracts in Solidity are similar to classes in object-oriented languages. Here we will learn about structure of contract. Each contract can contain declarations of State Variables, Functions, Function Modifiers, Events, Errors, Struct Types and Enum Types. Furthermore, contracts can inherit from other contracts. Libraries and interfaces are special type of Continue Reading

Why We Use Oops Concept In Python Programming

Reading Time: 5 minutes INTRODUCTION Python is a high-level general-purpose and very popular programming language. It allows us to develop applications using an Object-Oriented approach. In Python, we can easily create and use classes and objects. By which it focuses on writing the reusable code. It is a widespread technique to solve the problem by making things. The latest Python 3 version is used in web development, Machine Learning applications, Continue Reading

Value Types In Solidity

Reading Time: 3 minutes Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for creating smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs that decide the behaviour of accounts within the Ethereum state. Solidity is a statically typed language. It supports inheritance, libraries and complex user-defined types among other features. With Solidity, you can create contracts for uses such as voting, crowdfunding, blind auctions, and multi-signature wallets. There are various data types in solidity Continue Reading

Higher Order Function: Diving into the Functional Style of Scala

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi, community in this blog we are gonna talk about one very important feature of Functional style programming in Scala so make your IntelliJ ready and let’s learn about Higher-Order Functions. Before going into Higher Order Function first let’s take a brief understanding of Functions in Scala. Functions in Scala As we all know, a function is a group of statements that performs a particular Continue Reading

Data Structure and Control Structure in Solidity

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Reader, Do you know what are data structures? If not then here is what data structures mean. A data structure is a particular way of organising data in a computer memory so that it can be used effectively. Solidity provides three types of data structures: Structs Arrays Mappings One by one let us look at each data structure. Structs: Solidity provides a way to define new Continue Reading

Gyroscope| Sensor of the “stm32 Discovery Board”

Reading Time: 4 minutes Today we are going to learn about a new sensor of the stm32f3 Discovery Board. This sensor is known as Gyroscope. We are going to know about this particular sensor and its function and why we need it in our embedded development. This is going to be a series of the blogs just like other series for Sensors. In our previous series of blogs, we Continue Reading